Cairns Road Runners
Cairns Road Runners is a non-profit organisation providing a fun and sociable environment to promote health and fitness. All runners and walkers regardless of ability are welcome to attend. We have something on offer for all types of runners: Road Running and Racing; Track Running; Trail Running; Fun Runs; Social Events. And training too. We always welcome new faces, and encourage participation within the sport. You do not have to be a member of our Club to participate in our races. However you will pay more for the experience.
The Club was founded in 1979 by John Covacevich and continues to uphold his vision of a club for anybody and everybody.
Without our volunteers the Club cannot provide the support to our running community so encourage all our members to give back just a little bit. Talk to a committee member or email us if you can come along to any race and help with set-up, course layout, registration, timing, cutting up fruit, drinks table or pull-down. These jobs don’t require any particular skills, just a bit of your time. Ask family and friends to come along and support you – by helping out during the race.
For other great events in the outdoors, head on over to Adventure Sport NQ for Trail, Rogaining and more!
Adventure Sports

TUESDAY Social Run
Everyone Welcome, just turn up.
Cairns: Each TUESDAY, 5:30am. Location to be confirmed beforehand on our Facebook page.