PO Box 7403, Cairns QLD 4870 info@roadrunners.org.au

Earlier this year, after considerable discussion and feedback from members, it was decided by the Management Committee of Cairns Road Runners, that the ownership of the events known as Three Marathons in Three Days (3M3D) which includes The Cairns Marathon, Kuranda to Port Douglas (K2PD) including Bump to Beach (B2B) and The Team Challenge be handed over to Lorraine Lawson.

The reasons for this handover were twofold. Firstly, the Committee realised that it did not have the expertise or experience to run these events following the resignation of Lorraine and Larry Lawson from their positions within the club. Secondly, these events were largely developed by the Lawsons and they were the logical choice as future organisers. Thus it was regarded as being in the best interest of the running community, both inside and outside of Cairns Road Runners, to transfer  ownership to them.

Lorraine has offered Cairns Road Runners Platinum members (who signed up prior to May 24th 2014) free entry into the following events: 3M3D, The Cairns Marathon, K2PD, B2B and The Team Challenge. These events are expensive to run and are already heavily discounted so this is a generous offer. If you would like to register for any of these events please go to www.dynamicrunning.com.au/events. For those trail runners seeking to test themselves over ultra distances then 3M3D and K2PD are worthy challenges.

This year the club Committee is considering future directions for Cairns Road Runners but it’s your club so watch out for a survey which will be sent out to all members so you can have your say on future events, training and social activities.

A club is what brings people together and a club is a great club when it has happy members who come and enjoy club events. This is what the Committee is focussing on for the future.