Just over a week to go! Our first trail run for 2015 will be held on the Saturday afternoon of February 7th, with the race starting at 4pm. Make sure you are there in plenty of time to register and prepare before the race! HOW TO REGISTER? If you cannot find the link on the website please go to our Facebook page (Cairns Road Runners) and scroll down past our Australia Day event until you find the Upcoming Events-Poker Run. Register HERE.
Any problems, please email trailrunning@roadrunners.org.au or phone 0459020091 evenings). Don’t forget this event is FREE for members and a mere $5 for non-members. Below, you will find our Information Pack for the Poker Run 2015 and also the Map of Smithfield Conservation Park (which shows the car park).
VOLUNTEERS DESPERATELY NEEDED!! We don’t need many but some people to help set up before the race and two or three people to help with signing runners in and handing out tokens would be terrific. If you can help, please use the contacts above.
Information Pack for the Poker Run 2015 Map of Smithfield Conservation Park
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