PO Box 7403, Cairns QLD 4870 info@roadrunners.org.au

Thank you to all those members and guests who turned up at the Roadies AGM. The President’s Report will be posted on the web just as soon as a few minor details have been corrected.

But in summary we would like to say a massive thanks to the Committee of 2017: Alan Courtney, Colleen Harisson, Sue Houlihan, Jarrod Ausburn, Jim Cavil, Pam Palmer and Dave O’Brien… without the many hours put into the Club on their behalf, we would not have seen the success that 2017 brought to our running community. And their support crew led by Mark St Amand and Sarah Dart have not been forgotten. So we’d just like to express our thanks to all of our Volunteers, in front and behind the Club, and their family and friends…

And for those of you who missed the AGM, our brave new committee are: Sue Houlihan (President), Colleen Harisson (Treasurer), Marion Webster (Secretary), Stevie Johnson, Dave O’Brien and Jim Cavil. But don’t panic, there will be plenty of volunteer opportunities throughout 2018 for you to get stuck in and help out. Maybe you can’t commit to race day but would love to maintain our online registration system, or you’re passionate about communications and want to head up the newsletter/web/Facebook accounts, or maybe you’re not running like you use to but would love to be there on race day to coordinate volunteers, and who doesn’t like a bit of retail therapy – our merchandise store needs manager? The please feel free to contact the Club – every little bit helps lighten the load of the Committee who spend a lot of time and focus and just making sure race day happens.

Please be patient in this time of transition between committee’s, it does take a little while to setup administration access and provide hand-over training. Thank you, happy running!