PO Box 7403, Cairns QLD 4870 info@roadrunners.org.au

The Cairns Road Runners are starting to plan for the 2015 season.  The committee values the thoughts, opinions, and ideas of its members, and as such are inviting members (and other interested parties) to have a say.  A drop in session will be occurring on Saturday 14th June, at the meeting room at Stratford Library. We invite all members to come along between 3:00 and 5:15pm to talk to the committee about what you think.

It is an informal session and might only take you a 10 minutes to tell us your thoughts, but we would like to encourage as many members as possible to drop in. Parking is easy and there are some great cafes nearby. It is also a good opportunity to meet some of your committee members.

We want to hear your thoughts on topics including (but not limited to):

  • What races do you think the club should continue to hold / not hold?
  • What distances do you like running?
  • Is there a race / distance that you think the club should trial?
  • How do we encourage runners, families, and friends to help out with volunteering on race days.
  • What events should the club avoid clashing with?
  • How many races should the club be putting on each year?

If you are unable to attend, you can send your ideas and thoughts to the info@roadrunners.org.au email address. From this session, the sub-committee will collate the information, draft a calendar, then seek the final thoughts of the members by late September.

This is your club, so please let us know what you would like.