PO Box 7403, Cairns QLD 4870 info@roadrunners.org.au

Well, as one of our ex Prime Ministers once said ,”Life wasn’t meant to be easy”  . Not even for Race Directors. My plan B (an alternative to the now closed Mt Edith Road), which was to run through Tinaroo Creek Road, is being blown away as I type this post (or should I say, smoked out) by extensive controlled burns along Tinaroo Creek Road. I have no option but to do away with that plan (you may still remember the lady who was terribly burned in Central Australia during an endurance run not long ago). So, what to do this time?                                         Plan C is to establish a halfway “Turnaround/Checkpoint” in a suitable, safe and non confusing location along Kauri Creek Road and it’s extension on the Mareeba side of Mt Haig. We have identified that location as Emu Creek. It is 21.4kms from the starting line  at Kauri Creek Day Use Area. This means the race length will be 42.8kms (technically still more than a marathon). I’m absolutely sure you will LOVE this checkpoint! If I can find a masseur, you won’t want to leave the place! You will find a shady creek with cool running water, cold  Coke, Sunkist and eats to tempt you and fortify you for the arduous return. “Life wasn’t meant to be easy!”                                                                                                                                      Once again, if any of you have friends, partners etc who could help with timing and recording on Sunday, I would be very grateful. Dave OBrien (Race Director)