PO Box 7403, Cairns QLD 4870 info@roadrunners.org.au

The Freshie Handicap at Ryan Weare Park has long been a fixture on the CRR Calendar, with some variations in format over the many years it has been run. This year was slightly revamped again, with a ‘back-­to-­back’ race format: one 5km on Saturday at 5pm and the other 5km 14 hours later at 7am on Sunday.

Runners ran their best on Saturday, which became their handicapped time for Sunday, and the challenge was to run exactly that handicapped time, with no timing devices allowed! Despite the aim being to pace (vs speed), some runners did turn out very snappy times, with a total of 6 recorded times across the two events being run under 20 minutes! And in the heat, too. Nice work J.

First placed (best paced), was Michael Haseldine, arriving home just 1 second under his Saturday time. Second was Marion Webster (3 seconds over), and 3rd was Glen Robinson (5 seconds under). Michael, Marion and Glen all received $25 meal vouchers for the Cock & Bull Restaurant, donated by Stevie Johnston on behalf of the Cock & Bull. Thank you Stevie, CRR appreciates the Cock & Bull’s many years’ of support.


Special mentions… To the most improved runner, Lynda Ackroyd, who dropped 1.30 off her Saturday time. Well done Lynda! And also to those that reappeared on Sunday morning after Christmas parties on Saturday night…there were a few!

Thanks very much as always to the volunteers: Glen Robinson (permits), Ian Kraska (top class catering), Bruce Hanson, Laura Toyne, Kev Morrissey, Chris Simmons, and Mark St Amand (start and finish procedures).

A happy and safe festive season everyone, and hope to see you in a couple of weeks at our ‘Sweaty Santa’!

Alison Smith | Race Director